Saturday, January 31, 2015

Where have these last 2 months gone?

I have some explaining to do.

I wish I could say that the last 2 months of not writing or publishing were filled with life-changing travels, or that I have been taking a break to write and publish my soon-to-be best-selling novel. Well, I won't say that these 2 months have been dull or boring. They have been the opposite--filled with adventures of a different kind.

Emerson is now 15-months-old, heading quickly to 16 months. He is walking, nearly running at times, climbing, making "conversation", drumming, feeding himself (with his new molars helping with the eating process), and all sorts of other new talents each day. In these past months, he has endured some major changes in his short life. Most of these changes came from just growing up. No more mom feedings, no more baby room at daycare, and then his mom and dad throw in the biggest change- a big move to a new house!

The main reason why I've been M.I.A. in the blogging world is because we moved. November 13th, we closed on our new house. My last post was published Nov. 7. I believe there is a correlation there. After we closed, we had 1 week to pack up and get ready for the big move. November 21, we moved. Because we are not selling our old house, but renting it out, we were really not under any deadlines, so the move wasn't exactly swift. Over the following weeks, we moved our stuff a little by little. We still had to maintain our "normal" lives, like me finishing a semester, Emerson's activities, and Kyle working full time and a bit further away after the move. So, the hope of being fully moved in by the holidays came and went. We were fortunate enough to put up a tree, but did little other decorating inside. The outside of the house had to keep with the Jones', as our neighborhood is in competition with the Griswalds when it comes to holiday decor. Luckily, we were scheduled to be in the Colorado mountains for the holidays themselves, so it was ok.

Then, I SWORE I would write during my break. But it was instead spent furniture shopping, organizing boxes, trying to figure out what we still needed, interviewing contractors for some updating of the new house, starting a new workout regime, and just enjoying my time off with Emerson. I never wrote.

Then, we started second semester. I found myself coming up with ideas for new posts. I found myself scheduling writing time into my busy weeks. But each time I picked up my computer, I found something else more pressing to do.

So, this week, I felt it. I felt the void that not writing had left in my heart. From nowhere, the emotions came pouring out. I mourned the loss of my art. I use writing as a form of release for all the stresses that being a full-time teacher and mom bring into my life. While trying to plan for some new adventures in our future- remodeling and getting a National Board Certification- I realized that I was thinking of the future in sacrifice of the present. The present is the moments that I capture when I blog about being Emerson's mom. This blog IS his baby book. It is what I can pass down to him in the future when he asks me about what it was like when he was a baby. He can read what I wrote about our times and see how much we have always loved him.

All that being said, I am back. And this time, I am not going to let the other distractions in life keep me from taking this time for me, to do what I love to do, and to reflect on the present before these memories start to fade with the new memories yet to be created. I may not write as often as I would like, but all those back-logged blog ideas will come to fruition, and I can continue to share my experiences with the other moms, friends, and family out there who have been reading this all along.

Thank you for understanding and for your continued support.

I leave you with some adorable recent pictures of the little rascal.

Arizona fall happens in January! This is the new backyard!!!

The new place! See, there ARE Christmas lights on the outside!

Taking a walk

Happy and drooling! This is what happens when you get molars!