Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Colorado Trip #3!

Emerson is certainly one lucky little boy. He has been to Colorado 4 times, during 3 different seasons! We made it out last winter for his first trip, then again this past summer for the 2nd, and then, for FALL! I am lucky to have a 2-week fall break, and out of the past 10 years, I believe we have gone to Colorado for about 7 of those breaks. The forth trip was for the holidays this past December, but I am saving pictures and stories about that for the post-Christmas post.

Our October trip was filled with fun visits with friends and family. Mom and dad got a night out to go see O.A.R. at Red Rocks. Then Emerson got plentiful play dates from Denver, to Dillon, to Colorado Springs. We got to wear sweaters and scarfs and were reminded how cold the fall rain feels.

Emerson got to experience some of Kyle's childhood when we hiked around the hills out back of granddad's house- where Kyle and his family built their tree house and spent summers. Then he got to experience some of his mom's past when he visited Colorado College again, this time for Homecoming and a hockey game!

So grateful for friends and family willing to accommodate us during our many visits. I always feel refreshed after a trip to the mountains, so you are all helping this mommy maintain her sanity.

O.A.R. at Red Rocks (round 2!)

Waiting in line to get in

For a chilly October concert, the crowd was fired up!

The required Red Rocks selfie!

Our friend Carrie, who lives in Denver, met us at the show!

Glad to have a parents' night out!

Emerson and his mom on a hike among the fall colors. 2 years ago this was our wedding!

Our friend Sarah from Wyoming came to visit, too!

And we got to meet our friend Isla who was here from Minnesota!

Another hike with mom! Having so much fun!
This time friends came along!

Not too shabby!

Mom, all this hiking is exhausting!

Lake Dillon

The ski gang in the off season goes hiking! 11 years going strong, or so... Jenna, Sarah and Jill

And the next generation ski gang! Emerson, Clara, Arthur, and Isla! More soon to come!

Emerson's sweater from Peru and his new Toms

GO CC TIGERS!!! (we won, by the way)

Emerson trying to figure out what all the noise is about

Emerson is not so sure about the CC Tiger mascot.

Watching the Zambonis after the game
CC Kids from the class of 2004 (mostly)!

DGs and their Babies- Jill with Isla, Lauri with Jaxson and Presley, and Ashley with Grant

College reunion part deux- with mama Nads, Jill and Lauri at the CC Homecoming dance

Emerson at Worner Center keeping warm
Taking Emerson for a scenic drive up Cheyenne Canyon in Colorado Springs. Too bad he slept through it!

At least I got to hike up to the top!

Finding amazing scenery along our drive- this natural stone bridge with the fall colors was wonderful!

Mom and Emerson coordinated with the fall leaves.

On to Denver for my early birthday celebration with Tia and Tio Jensen!
And the sun set on our fall Colorado trip, 2014!

Don't let this photo fool you, it was taken at night! See the stars in the sky?