This past Saturday was our hospital tour. Although I didn't really feel like I got a whole lot of new information out of the experience, I still feel like it was a good idea because I will feel much more comfortable in the chaos of labor knowing that I've been there before and have a plan of sorts.
Fun facts to note from our tour:
1. I am still trying to be cute as a pregnant woman, but apparently this is not the norm. Not to be arrogant, but I mean, come on! Make up, ladies, has not suddenly become toxic due to pregnancy. And just because you are big doesn't mean your clothes have to come from the elephant-size rack.
2. Even with a yeti-length beard, my husband still looks cute, too! You aren't on the tour for a 12-24 hour long marathon of labor, so don't come in pjs, sweats, or anything of the like. Wait until the real deal to come in your comfy clothes, even if it is a Saturday!
3. There is no policy on whether or not I can eat during labor from the hospital, but I must first discuss this option with my Dr. I would love to hear that I am allowed more than ice chips in case I am in it for the long haul!
4. You can "rent" a birthing tub for labor, but then you can't have an epidural, because your legs won't work well enough to get in and out of the tub. You can also rent a birthing ball or a mirror. I am thinking of hosting a core class with ab focus while in labor. Who wants to sign up?
5. You can labor in the shower if you want.
6. Must pass ER before moving on to your next stop.
7.Check out time (without a C-section) is at MOST 48 hours after arrival. Yikes! That gives us 2 days or fewer to figure out what the heck this parenting thing is all about.
8. Don't steal the blankets or other hospital supplies that haven't been in baby's mouth or butt.
Now, I knew SOME of this information before, but as the tour was quick and simple, only bits of information really stood out to me. And I guess I didn't really worry about the size of the companion bed in the room, or the open-ended visiting hours policy, because I already knew that having visited friends and family in the hospital after babies were born.
I can't wait for baby classes to find out even more. (Maybe then I'll be less critical and sarcastic and will perhaps be a bit scared out of my mind for the impending birth instead...)
Hopefully I didn't offend anyone.
Mercy Gilbert Hospital- baby's first home! And me at 30 weeks. |