Here I am, in week 32. I have always had 32 as my lucky number. I am not even sure the origin of this becoming my lucky number, but I have referred to it for as long as I can remember as my favorite!
So, it only seems natural that this week is one of the best weeks of my pregnancy thus far, right?
Well, sure enough, as luck would have it, I lost something on Saturday night, but I have already found it!
My ankles.
You heard me correctly. It happened. My ankles went away. I came home from a 4-bar, I-am-the-coolest-pregnant-wife-on-the planet evening with great friends and family and sat on the couch when I noticed it.
My ankles no longer had ankle bones.
My calves continued right into my puffy little insoles.
Kyle tried to help assuage my shock by giving me a quick foot rub, but considering it was a 4-bar evening, this was an ineffective treatment.
So I sat with my feet WAY up on the back of the couch and downed some water.
Was it the super over-salted popcorn at bar #4?
Was it dancing to the blues band?
Was it simply drinking a ton of water, a tea, and a root beer over the course of the evening?
Or would my ankles be gone for good?
This story has a happy ending.
THEY ARE BACK!!! That is exactly why I am sure that 32 IS my lucky number!
Other positives of the week to further support my claim:
-Another clean bill of health at the doctor this week
-A great evaluation at school
-My sorority kick-off party is Thursday, which is always fun
-We got the baby's room painted!
Overall, I'd say that it would be hard to argue against the fact that this is a great week to be pregnant.
32 weeks (almost) in front of our newly-painted nursery wall! |