He talks up a storm when he is at home (although I hear not as much at school). He can ask for things with "please" and "thank you" and he forms phrases. He counts (though not in order), sings (though only about 1/10 of the words are right), and shares his opinions ("I don't like it").
He runs. He climbs. This past weekend he went up the climbing wall at the park. He scrambles up the bar stools to the kitchen counter. He has maneuvered himself out of his crib and up and over the back of the couch. He only sits still when eating (and sometimes not even that) or while having to do his daily breathing treatments with the aid of the IPad.
He seems to be getting his 2-year molars, has shot up an inch and half since the beginning of summer, and finally, just maybe, will get some hair on his head.
He is also stubborn and easily frustrated. He throws fits when you take something he wants away. He fights to get in the car seat because he wants to "drive". He would rather stay up until 10 than go to bed when he first exhibits signs of being tired. When you aren't giving him enough attention, he'll hit you, stomp his feet, climb on top of you, or grab your hand and drag you to where he wants you. (After he hits, though, he gives kisses, like a Sour Patch kid in those commercials).
He loves rice and pancakes right now. He won't eat pasta and only likes "mommy yogurt" instead of the kid-friendly squeezers. He eats bananas, oatmeal, bread, chicken, and jelly beans like they are going out of style. Oh, and he likes to eat it all like Cookie Monster.
There are so many cool changes, but every now and again I feel sad for the loss of my adorable and happy-go-lucky baby boy. The one who slept without a fight. The one who ate absolutely anything. The one who always had a smile, a giggle, and a hug for us.
Well, I guess there is a good and bad to all of this growing up.
As Emerson grows, so has our home (with the move), our toy collection (thanks to resale sites), soon our car as we upgrade beyond a 4-door sedan for extra hauling space, and then soon after that, our family.
What?! Does his shirt say what I think it says? I guess now is as good as any time to make this "FBO".
So as Emerson grows, so has his mommy.
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You can see the baby bump in this shot from last week's concert. |
And our Painted Desert adventure two weeks ago. |