Friday, November 7, 2014

Emerson's Pirate Party!

Emerson would only wear this hat for about 3 seconds.
For Emerson's first birthday, since this is really one of the few times where we don't have to get his input for the theme, we (well, let's be honest, I) chose to have a pirate party!

For one, I love pirates, as anyone who knows me well knows! I have had a life-size Jack Sparrow for years. We also have so many pirate-themed decorations that this party didn't require anything new, really.

Thank heavens for Amazon, though, since we have so little time to shop, I could just order all the plates and utensils online! I also asked for our wonderful family to help with the potluck lunch sides, however, I will share that my choice to grill was not a great one. Next year's party, I am ordering pre-made sandwiches or something that doesn't require manual labor in the middle of a party. There is enough to do with watching a bunch of children run wild.

Here are the photos and with them some explanations of the details of the party!

We had this cake and the cookies specially made! Love how they turned out!

Kyle carved this pirate ship out of the watermelon because I am still obsessed with watermelon, a year after pregnancy.

Thank you Kinkos for professionally printing this banner for me at 11:30 the night before the party.

The gifts for the guests were pirate accessories! Eye patches, hats, swords, and bandanas!

Thank heaven for the Halloween decoration collection we have!

One of the activities for the kids

The kids got to take home their "loot" in these little skulls for Target's Dollar Spot.

Guests followed the dotted line to the X
And the Jolly Roger flew out front

Jack greeted all at the door
We got this sand and buried a bunch of treasure. The kids had a BLAST with it! It was a total mess, but worth it.

Cousin Dylan made it all the way from San Diego for the party


Family portrait!

One more of the cake!

Blowing out the candle!

And ready for some sugar!

Thank you, Jo, for taking these awesome action shots!

Emerson's loot!

Marin drew Emerson this adorable picture of a pirate ship! And Emerson LOVES his cars!

That big present held a Radio Flyer Wagon!!!

Mila and Tegan were such big helpers!!!
Later that night we opened the rest of the gifts! Emerson got classic blocks from the Bucherts.

And this fun lion "car"!

Nothing beats hugs from "Tiny", Emerson's new best friend!
Puzzles from Aunt Shannon, Cousin Dylan, and Grandad Davis

Emerson's first pirate ship from Grammy and Grandpa Jensen!

More blocks from Uncle Casey, Aunt Karen, and Cousins Jack and Lucy!

And mom and dad got me this singing pirate ship rocker! I love it, despite the half-amused look on my face here.
I also ordered this outfit from Etsy so that the suspenders and bow tie continued the pirate theme!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Emerson is 1-year old!

Well, there are certainly many things that I could share about Emerson's first year that I have not already shared. There are things that have changed in my life over the past year that I didn't anticipate, and some that I could have never imagine life without at this point. I have a few posts in the works to share his birthday party and his first-year photo shoot, but this post is dedicated to the changes.

It only seemed appropriate this fall season. "To everything turn, turn, turn, there is a season..."

Emerson at 1 year with his newborn picture taken by Sarah Goodman Photography

One year ago, sleepless nights were purely by choice.
Today, sleepless nights are sometimes unwanted, but at the same time they have become so common that they are no longer distressing.

One year ago, making a meal was more work than I liked to do, and that was just for two, but we found time for homemade meals on a regular basis.
Today, making a meal for three is a nightmare when it comes to time commitment, but Emerson gets homemade meals daily, and his parents, well, lets just say we are grateful for "options".

One year ago, getting up to get ready for work was annoying (for a night owl), but I could manage getting up and out in under 30 minutes.
Today, getting up to get ready for work would NOT be possible without Kyle helping to get Emerson ready. And 30 minutes, in my dreams...

One year ago, showering was a luxury where I'd spend time relaxing, waking up, and soothing aches.
Today, showering is "how fast can I get in and out and still technically be 'clean'"?
One year ago, enjoying a moment alone meant watching TV, reading a book, blogging, surfing the net.
Today, enjoying a moment alone, wait, what?! What is that? Oh wait, I need a nap.

One year ago, traveling was stressful, but we could make last-minute decisions on our agendas, could race through the airport, barely making our flights, and could adventure at will.
Today, travel, well, don't forget to start packing a week in advance. Make 3 lists so you don't forget any vital elements, and make sure to leave for the airport 3 hours in advance. And schedule everything. Even naps.

One year ago, any free moment was spent on Pinterest imagining the perfect space for our little Blueberry.
Today, any free moment is spent watching that little Blueberry grow more and more, learn each day, and amaze us in ways we never imagined.

One year ago, we were Kyle and Erica. The Davises. The ones still trying to get everyone else to go out and be social. (Everyone else already had kids).
Today, we are dad and mom. The Davis Family. The ones still trying to get everyone else to be social, but at the same time wanting to stay in and spend time with each other more and more often.

We love you, little Emerson. It was a magical first year.  Keep on giving kisses and smiles!

The first 12 months!!! Start at the upper left corner and follow around clockwise.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Summer Family Photos

So we are pretty late sharing our family photos from this past summer (Emerson's 8th month photo shoot combined with our family photos set in beautiful Colorado with our wedding photographer!) I was reminded to share them as tomorrow is yet another photo shoot (1 year!?) and also school picture day for Emerson.

I had decided for Kyle's Father's Day gift to schedule a family photo shoot without telling him. I booked our wedding photographer in Denver, Paige Eden Photography, by some miracle on a Saturday in June, and got our coordinated outfits packed without really giving anything away, thanks to needing "outfits" for my brother's and parent's celebrations that weekend.

The day was my brother's 2nd wedding reception, but we figured taking an hour or two away from the family for a short photo shoot would be ok. That was until the storm blew in. Golf ball size hail started falling from the sky and lightening and thunder warned us to cut our shoot short. Unfortunately, we waited until the sky opened up and started pouring down rain before we got into the cars. We may have gotten soaked, and may not have gotten the last few shots in, but we sure have the memory and we got plenty of adorable pictures out of it, anyway.

A beautiful park with many trees!

Our little poser!

Playing with daddy is so fun!

Humming to myself as we walk through the park!

I'm flying!

Mom! I just love being outside so much!

Not so sure about my crazy parents here...

Kisses from mom!

And "kisses" for dad...

Mom's favorite picture!
So happy with daddy!

I am always posing...

Mom's 2nd favorite picture! Look at that concentration!

I am thinking about eating this grass...