Monday, October 13, 2014

Summer Family Photos

So we are pretty late sharing our family photos from this past summer (Emerson's 8th month photo shoot combined with our family photos set in beautiful Colorado with our wedding photographer!) I was reminded to share them as tomorrow is yet another photo shoot (1 year!?) and also school picture day for Emerson.

I had decided for Kyle's Father's Day gift to schedule a family photo shoot without telling him. I booked our wedding photographer in Denver, Paige Eden Photography, by some miracle on a Saturday in June, and got our coordinated outfits packed without really giving anything away, thanks to needing "outfits" for my brother's and parent's celebrations that weekend.

The day was my brother's 2nd wedding reception, but we figured taking an hour or two away from the family for a short photo shoot would be ok. That was until the storm blew in. Golf ball size hail started falling from the sky and lightening and thunder warned us to cut our shoot short. Unfortunately, we waited until the sky opened up and started pouring down rain before we got into the cars. We may have gotten soaked, and may not have gotten the last few shots in, but we sure have the memory and we got plenty of adorable pictures out of it, anyway.

A beautiful park with many trees!

Our little poser!

Playing with daddy is so fun!

Humming to myself as we walk through the park!

I'm flying!

Mom! I just love being outside so much!

Not so sure about my crazy parents here...

Kisses from mom!

And "kisses" for dad...

Mom's favorite picture!
So happy with daddy!

I am always posing...

Mom's 2nd favorite picture! Look at that concentration!

I am thinking about eating this grass...

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