Friday, September 26, 2014

Emerson's 11th Month Photos!

So, life has been hectic, crazy, and so much fun as Emerson learns more and more each day.

Right now, he is eating like he is a 2-year-old. He likes everything you put on his tray. He loves to feed himself. He eats meat, veggies, cheese, and fruit. He likes to drink his water but usually chokes.

Emerson loves being in the water still. He is never upset, no matter what happens. If he swallows a bunch of water, then he just coughs and smiles. He is getting better at holding onto the side of the pool and letting himself fall in face-first from a seated position on the edge.

He stands and holds onto the couch, fence, or anything that is easy for him and at his height. He isn't quite brave enough to walk along the edge of the furniture, but he will walk if we hold his hands.

He has started climbing as well. He can climb stairs and has climbed into and out of the bathtub.

Last, he is as talkative as ever. He sings to himself, has entire conversations with me while we drive to work in the morning, and always makes his frustration verbally known if we aren't restocking his food fast enough during meal times. I swear that in Target, when he dropped a box on the floor, that he repeated "Uh oh" after me, and that when he is really wanting something, he whines for "mamamama".

His last photo shoot was a total riot. Here are the pictures we were able to narrow it down to!

Posing Pretty

I love my new freedom of movement

I am kind of a trouble maker sometimes, but I'm cute!

Mom! I am too big for this chair!

I escaped!!!

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