Thursday, December 5, 2013

Emerson is 7 Weeks Old!

It seems like just yesterday we brought him home from the hospital, yet here we are, settling into routines, learning how to smile, and returning to work/starting daycare already!

I HAD to share these with you all, since I am working on ordering some of them for the holidays. This is Emerson's newborn photo shoot, which we took on his 1-week birthday. Sarah Goodman Photography (Sarah herself) is amazingly patient with newborns, as she spent 5 hours at our house getting the pictures set up. She didn't judge us for the mess and found places to photograph him despite the house looking like a hurricane had come through (well, metaphorically speaking, one did). She brought props, a space heater to keep Emerson asleep and warm, and knew just what to do to capture all his baby parts, from facial expressions to tiny toes. I am just in love with the results. I hope you are, too.

But first, here is the 7-week photo I took of Emerson! You can see the beginnings of a smile. I call this "hipster Emerson" because of his Chucks and his pocket protector. I just need baby black-rimmed glasses.

But better yet, here are 3 from Sarah's shoot. And a link to the entire slideshow.

It is hard to tell, but has he grown in these 6 weeks?

And the SLIDESHOW (for those of you who were patient enough to keep going).

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