Monday, February 3, 2014

Milestone Monday!

This week brought a few minor milestones in Emerson's life.

First family hike (with mom AND dad!)

Sportin' my cool shades...

The para gliders were out! And so was Emery...

Yea for South Mountain!

First Superbowl! (Mom was cheering for the Seahawks- who SMOKED the Broncos)

Our team may not have made the Superbowl, but we still dressed the part.

But we also have to add a milestone from LAST week that we forgot last Monday- Emerson's first concert. This was his Grandpa Jensen's show at a local bar called Augie's. He loved dancing with Grammy and watching the band's instruments. Maybe some day he will play bass, too.

Watching the band

Dancing with Grammy, that is Grandpa on the bass I'm watching!

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