Monday, March 10, 2014

Back from an insane couple of weeks!

I have now endured what ultimate stress feels like, choosing between mom and teacher duties, and finishing off my first full quarter back to work as a mom.

Over these past couple of weeks, we've pretty much just "kept swimming" (in the words of our favorite, Dory), but there are a couple of great milestones to celebrate.

First, Emerson has slept through the night, from about 8-5:30 or so, about 5 times already. I don't let myself get too excited about these nights, as they are rare, and in between we had a few nights of him waking up every 2 hours again, as if he were back in the newborn stage.

Second, we are celebrating the year anniversary of when we found out we were expecting Emerson. I can't believe that a year ago I was filled with pleasant surprise and anticipation as we found out that the tiny inkling I felt deep down (that I was pregnant) was actually reality. I did not expect things to move as quickly as they have this past year.

We are also celebrating Emerson's first trip to Colorado (3rd time on a plane) but I will definitely be sharing more about that later.

Happy Spring Break (if you are one of the fortunate who have one). If not, happy March!
All bundled up for the Colorado weather

I captured the evidence

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