Monday, September 29, 2014

A trip down memory lane...

Today's post is in honor of the reason for Blueberry's existence, our marriage.
Happy 2nd Anniversary to my wonderful, fun, and forever young husband.
I know that this past year has been full of trials that have put our marriage to the test, but we continue to make it through the hard moments and I know for a FACT that I would not have without you!

Hard to think that these past two September 29ths were SO different than this current one!

September 29, 2012 I was at my skinniest!  I had no gray hairs, nearly flawless skin, and slept an average of 7-8 hours a night on a regular basis. We were in beautiful Colorado surrounded by fall color. I enjoyed peach bellinis and Colorado brews the entire day.

In Vail, Colorado

September 29, 2013 I was at my largest (with a good reason). I could barely enjoy a sip of champagne to celebrate with you in Sedona, but MAN did I enjoy the food! We had no idea that day what 17-days later would bring to us, and Blueberry was only a "plan".

In Sedona for our 1st Anniversary!

September 29, 2014. Here we are. Our son is nearly a year old, I have a lot of grays hairs, and my weight, well, lets just say that I am somewhere in the middle of the last 2 years. I hope we have many, many more fun memories to make and anniversaries to share. But for now, let's just stick with 1 Blueberry. :)

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