Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Blueberry's Texas Adventure!

This past June, to escape the Arizona heat, we escaped to the Texas beach. Yep, Texas. Nope, not cooler than Phoenix once you factor in 90% humidity.

We traveled to South Padre Island, a place that is near and dear to Kyle's childhood, as his grandma lived there in winters and he visited often. Having never been there, I was excited to get to share in his nostalgia. We filled the weekend with family fun. Blueberry got to take a dip in the Gulf of Mexico, met some sea turtles, and took a sandcastle building class. We even went snorkeling! That is one busy kid!

My favorite part of the trip was the food! We ate so much great sea food and had a fabulous breakfast buffet to start my day. And I got a Fanta Pineapple and Peach?! Only on the Mexican border :)

Here are some pictures (one you may recognize as my current Facebook profile picture).

We're on a boat! On our snorkel trip

This bench is carved like our wedding bench! At the turtle sanctuary.

Hello turtle! It's Crush in real life!

Blueberry, your parents are so weird! These are our turtle faces.

The sandcastle class. Yours truly may have knocked over the tower...

Taking my profile pic shot!

The sandcastle extravaganza! Ours became a pirate fort.

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