Monday, March 24, 2014

Emerson's First Trip to Colorado!

Today's milestone Monday was one that I have been looking forward to since Emerson was born--our first trip to Colorado with him. It had a few rough moments, all of us were blessed with colds while there, but overall it was exactly what this tired and worn-down momma needed after a full quarter of teaching. Emerson didn't sleep as well as we had hoped, either due to his cold and coughing fits, the dry and cold air, or the altitude, but by the end of the trip we seemed to be more adjusted.

We spent the first weekend visiting tia and tio Irina and Brian in Denver, and our friends Lisa, Patrick, and their daughter Katelyn. We skied Keystone with them, which had some great snow conditions. Then we got a special visit from our Phoenix friends Jared and Bev, who were on a beer-tasting tour of Colorado microbreweries!

The following five days were spent in Steamboat at our friends, the Keller's, house. We got to meet Clara, their 9-month-old, and see how big Arthur, their 2.5-year-old, has gotten. We also skied the Boat and even had "mommy and daddy time"!

We finished off the fun with some time at Granddad Davis' and a visit from auntie Cassie as well- where we took on the Cala Inn trivia by storm and won in an incredible comeback victory.  We flew back on St. Patrick's day- with a free beverage courtesy of Southwest!

Here are our favorite photos from the 10-day trip.

Afternoon out on the deck in the snow! What a view

This adorable hat courtesy of Bev Ross and Cozy Cactus Creations

The top of Keystone resort!

My bear hoodie and booties from Fitz!

So happy in my snowshoeing bear shirt!

Playing with my toys during tummy time on Grandma Jensen's quilt

My bear suit!

It is snowing!

Check out his tongue- instinctively trying to catch snowflakes!

Me and dad rockin' our cool shades on a sunny afternoon!

I love Colorado as much as my mommy! And we have matching ski sweaters!

Kyle playing mechanic for the Keller kids' new truck

Arthur likes his truck

Kyle being a bad influence on Arthur

Yea- we went down that isht- without a fall! Best snow on the mountain at Steamboat!

"Mommy and daddy time"

Our bestie Jenna! Thanks for the great hospitality!

The moon rise at Steamboat

Auntie Cassie on my first gondola ride at Breckenridge!

Going up towards Breck (in the background)

My first visit to a ski resort- the base of Peak 7 at Breckenridge

Dad! What is all this white stuff?

While I was squealing at the airport!

Mom's Irish Cream cupcake from her favorite bakery- Blue Moon!
Happy First St. Patrick's Day! (From Denver Airport)

The Southwest Airlines leprechaun found us!

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