Sunday, June 8, 2014

A Mega Milestone Monday

Well, I have gotten off my routine for blogging with trying to get that work and home balance. But I have a lot of milestones to share for this Monday.

1. Emerson is eating solids regularly now. We started with rice cereal then moved on to oatmeal and now he has had avocado, watermelon, and sweet potatoes. We have a hilarious video of his first meal and first avocado bite, if I can figure out how to load them.

2. Emerson sits up on his own without support for extended periods of time.

3. Emerson learned how to smack his lips like mommy and daddy and copies us and grins.

4. Emerson likes to shake his head like he is saying no. Or just because he hears a noise. We think he is exploring peripheral vision.

5. Emerson went on his first solo plane trip with mom. He is now at that age where playing and socializing is way may fun than sleeping on a plane. Good thing we sat next to kids.

6. Mom got her first scorpion sting while solo parenting Emerson because Kyle was backpacking.  After spending an afternoon on the floor and couch because I couldn't walk, we actually felt good enough and went to a graduation party. Trying to sleep in such pain was the worst part. But we survived the weekend.

As you can see, we have been busy, with more changes and learning happening every day. But we are living life to the fullest while I am on summer break.

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