Friday, June 20, 2014

8 Months Old!

Well, another major milestone Monday has come and gone, and this one was in celebration of Emerson's 8 Months!

Along with all the other exciting things going on that I shared last week, we have additional major changes in Emerson's life!

1. 2 Teeth! His bottom left front tooth and his top right front tooth have BOTH poked through. It is about time after all the drooling and chewing the past 5 months! :)

2. Emerson started solids beyond rice cereal and oatmeal. We have had bites of avocado, watermelon, pear, and full servings of sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, green beans, and peas. All of the Gerber variety except for the "bites". However, last night we tried homemade peas and he was a little hesitant. I think that we didn't puree it enough so the little lumps threw him off.

3. Emerson really likes to shake his head like he is saying "no". Although he does it at random times, he usually does it when I click my tongue. We call it "dancing".

4. Emerson has started to mimic people and do what they do.

5. Emerson likes to stick out his tongue and spit, a lot. I think this must feel good on his teeth.

Above all else, he is just getting cuter and more playful everyday. He loves to squeal and talk and is getting very strong. He took a chunk out of my nose with his nail the other day, and he can head butt pretty hard! He also likes to move, so he is leaning forward and sitting up on his own regularly, as well as spinning himself around on the ground, in the bed, wherever! We certainly will not be leaving him unattended on a raised surface anymore.

I love being 8-months old!

So happy! I am ready to jump out of this chair!

Check out my pose, mom!

I just had to add in this other one for his smile!

1 comment:

  1. Cutie pie! The mesh bags with frozen fruit helped Elle a lot with teething. Munchkin I believe is the brand, by by baby sells them and they can go in the dishwasher. That and tylenol were our friend.
