Monday, November 18, 2013

Emerson is 1 Month Old!

Today's Monday Milestone marks Emerson's 1-month birthday! (It was on Saturday, but we had a busy weekend).

This first month was a true challenge. Recently, my friend Courtney had talked to me about how challenging the first month was for her, and I completely understand why now. The hardest part for me is learning how to only do one thing each day. It is the only thing I have time for. If I make my typical "to-do" list, I end each day in disappointment that I "got nothing done". I know you readers are out there laughing at me (if you've already had kids), but I had to learn this lesson for myself.

Even with my reality check, I still am stubborn and the biggest source of my frustration is wanting to be more productive each day. I feel like I am in prison some days, with a child ball-and-chain attached to me for about 6 hours of the day eating, and at least 2 hours on top of that sleeping. I am getting better about letting go when he falls asleep, though, and not being afraid of waking him up a bit every now and then.

Emerson's favorite things this first month have to be his stroller rides outside. He loves the sky and light! Social atmospheres with music, lots of voices and people, and noise in general are also his favorite places, because he is either a solid sleeper there, or is so happy and alert for a long period of time. Then, of course, he loves his mom's milk, so much that it puts him to sleep almost every time, and loves his dad's voice when his dad comes home from work and tells him stories.

I felt like this month took forever and no time at all at the same time! I was in shock for the first few days, since he was early and we weren't fully prepared, and then I think I have been exhausted up until these past few days.

Oh! To add to his milestone list, he had his first 2 bottles this week (of breast milk), had his first babysitter (grammy Jensen), and slept for 5 hours straight one night on his own in his crib!

Here is his one-month portrait:

Correction: at his 1-month doctor's appointment, he weighed 8 lbs 6 oz and measured 22 inches!!!

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