Monday, November 11, 2013

Milestone Monday

Today's Milestones from the past two weeks (I get a little behind with uploading pictures!):

Baby's first Halloween (but I already made a post about that!)

Baby's first bath! That is right, we lost our umbilical cord, so we got to take a bath! And we didn't cry at all.
I like the water although this bathtub isn't all too comfortable!

I am not really sure what to think about all this?!
I love my fish blanket when I am in the bathtub!

All wrapped up in my towel from Megan, Ellie, and Jeff Broker!

Baby's first trip to Teakwoods!

Watching the Cardinals- or sleeping through the game (they actually won!)

Baby's first Packer game (well, one where we got dressed up to watch it)
But I am awake for the Packer game!

And baby's first trip to the mall, where we hit up Baby Gap and got some cute pajamas!

Mustache PJs!!!

The rest of the weeks included trying to maintain a regular feeding schedule, figuring out how to sleep in bed more and more, and trying out different methods to keep me happy! (Me as in Emerson, mom has yet to figure out how to take care of herself while taking care of the baby!)

We still love getting outdoors, love taking walks in the stroller, and love being social.

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