Monday, December 9, 2013

Emerson's First Day of School!

Well, I know it doesn't officially count, but today Emerson went to school for the first time! The craziest part of it was how much stuff I had to haul across campus. I definitely got my work out in this way today! We weren't late, but we did take longer than we had planned. Also, his feeding schedule was off all day, so we struggled a bit with timing. We came up with a better system for tomorrow, and luckily the daycare ladies, Sandy and Lexy, were very accommodating and helpful.

So, this marks the major milestones of this Milestone Monday. I am back working full time, and Emerson has started daycare!

I must admit, although I thought about him all day, I enjoyed the 8 hours of productive "me" time, despite the fact that I was working and not doing something indulgent with the time. I think these 2 weeks before Christmas break will go by very quickly.

So proud we survived unscathed!

Here is his back-to-school Basha Bear hat :) courtesy of Cozy Cactus Creations.

Mom, this is WAY too early to be up and moving!

Sheble held me to give mom a break!

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