Monday, December 16, 2013

First Christmas Preparations!

Emerson has been alive for 2 months officially as of today!!!

I know it isn't officially his first Christmas yet, but Emerson has gotten to join in on many fun Christmas traditions that Kyle and I started years ago. We love having him along, even if he does sleep through them.

First, and this sounds horrible, I know, but Emerson tagged along for a bar on the annual 12 Bars of Christmas pub crawl. Really, I wanted to go shopping and Kyle wanted to go drinking, so I met up with Kyle at a bar for some appetizers and an adult beverage after feeding Emerson, then we split off to shop for gifts for my long-term sub and some others.

After this tradition, we shared in our annual ZooLights fun with him. We've been going to Zoolights every year with our good friends the McKevitt family. This year we continued and Emerson slept through the entire thing.

Watching the light show from the bridge

I started a new tradition by getting Emerson's picture with Santa, even if this one happened to ride into campus on a Harley. I didn't want to disturb Emerson too much, though, and it was cold, so the picture of him crying on Santa's lap will have to wait until next year.

At Basha's Winter Fest- benefit for the ASL club

All this holiday cheer is certainly much more fun with a little one to share it with. I can't wait to leave out milk and cookies for Santa, bake cookies for that matter, and fill his stocking! Or, see what Santa put in his stocking. I made sure that we decorated using all our stuff so that even if he can't remember his first Christmas, he will sure have pictures to prove it.

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