Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Emerson's 6 Months Old!

Wow has this half of a year flown by. While we were in Peru, Emerson reached his 6-month milestone.
We celebrated in Cusco and Lima exploring all the sites and eating lots of potatoes.

In this past 6 months, Emerson has reached many milestones. Recently, we have been excited by how alert and observant he is. He watches people, objects, and anything that moves, really, and seems to be fascinated by everything from his feet (he didn't see them for a long time because it was cold and he would wear socks) to faces.

Every time you hold Emerson, he swings his little arms and rubs his hands across your face, clothing, jewelery, whatever he can touch. He is also giggling when we give him attention and act silly. Recently he got his toes in his mouth. He tries to stand all the time, in fact I think he might stand before he sits! He doesn't roll over much, as he seems pretty content on either his tummy or his back.

More than anything else, Emerson is eating everything he can. By "eating" I mean "putting in his mouth". He chews on his hands or hands whenever he can, that is his favorite teether, and sometimes he chews on his toys, teethers, burp rags, blankets, clothing, spoons, you name it. His teeth haven't shown themselves, but there is NO doubt that they are coming through.

Emerson has also made it a month without a cold, which makes us feel pretty happy.

Last, Emerson, speaking of eating, just last week had his first bowl of cereal. He is getting better and better at eating it everyday. We have already had to come up with the parent tricks to get him to eat better. He does pretty well mimicking us if we act like we are opening our mouths and chewing.

Here is Emerson's adorable 6-month photo shoot.

See, always in the mouth... just like in utero
He really is such a happy guy!

I just love the eyebrows in this face! He was so excited to watch his feet!

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