Monday, October 14, 2013

Is the honeymoon really over?

A year ago, we were returning from our amazing honeymoon to Tahiti, in a state of pure bliss even after having to return to reality and work. As I returned to work today, I did so in a completely different state than I have been in for much of this pregnancy.

I am a mess.

From the beginning, I considered myself lucky in my pregnancy because I seemed to have relatively small amounts of discomfort. I was rarely too sick to function normally. I worked out and felt strong and confident. I even stayed small (still really haven't ballooned out too much) and felt like I was a cute pregnant woman!

And now, I feel like a house that has met its end: the foundation is cracked and now the creaking floorboards (my back) and pressure on the support beams (my hips) along with the leaks in the air systems (heartburn) are making me consider selling the place.

Everyone warned me that I'd hit this part. In fact, to see the positive side, I was told baby won't want to come unless I've gotten to the stage of feeling completely done with this pregnancy. Well, maybe this will help (like "The Secret")- I AM SO READY TO BE ABLE TO SLEEP COMFORTABLY (even if not through the night due to other reasons), and I WISH I COULD MOVE WITHOUT ENCUMBRANCE!

The happy, honeymoon stage of pregnancy is over. I have hit the "get me out of here" stage. At least my emotions are relatively stable.


Compounding on top of physical pain, discomfort, and fatigue, I cannot seem to stabilize my emotions, crying at the drop of a pin, feeling grumpy (that is probably a direct result of poor sleep quality), and wanting to strangle Kyle and other people who really don't deserve it.

So, I try to practice peace, relaxation, continue to attend pre-natal yoga, get in the pool when I can to relax, and hope that my return to work is a welcome distraction. Maybe all my nesting will help bring peace to my environment and that will transfer to my inner being.

Perhaps I can use these honeymoon pictures to practice visualization and turn things around, also!

Sunset on Moorea from the Intercontinental

The bay in Moorea

Sunset Beach, Bora Bora

Happiness in the ocean with the stingrays in Bora Bora

So excited for this honeymoon to Moorea!

How could this not make you happy?!

Soon I can Scuba again... soon...

Blueberry, even though I am complaining and cranky, I still love you!!

And now:

At nearly 37 weeks on The Farm at South Mountain- every year we have my birthday lunch here, but given the due date, we decided to go early just in case we don't make it out!

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