Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday's Milestones

Well, over the past week, we have had a great number of ups and downs, as anyone would imagine with a newborn/firstborn at home. This parenting thing is making my job look like a piece of cake, and making my pregnancy look like a cakewalk. I am more tired than I've ever been, but I am able to relax more than ever. I do feel slightly lazy and lethargic, but I know that I need to let my body recover.  We haven't completed hermitted, however. If any of you know me and Kyle, you know that we are a far cry from "homebodies", so we have found excuses to take our little man out on some errands just for our own sanity this past week.

Here are the milestones from days 4-11 of Emerson's life!

-First restaurant experiences- Jason's Deli (at 2 in the afternoon so no one was in there but us!), and Arriba with our friends the Arnesons! Plus first trip in the stroller to get Froyo.
-First liquor store run (which was for dad, but mom just drooled over the pumpkin beers- the day will come!)
-First trip to Target (of course!- it was only for 10 minutes)
-First photo shoot (can't wait to get our newborn photos!)
-First night slept in crib (has for 3 nights now, although getting up sometimes to eat and one night we had to give in and take him out because he did not want to stop crying)
-First 2 doctor visits with a 2 ounce weight gain (finally- he is a little jaundice so we are monitoring weight closely as well as his color and eating habits).

Emerson continues to smile when he gets done feeding and has a little tummy gas- so I can't wait for his real smiles to start! He is a pretty mellow and happy baby. He has had so many gifts and visitors, and we are so blessed to have all these wonderful people as a support system. He is getting used to a 2-3 hour feeding schedule (which is nice for mom, but I still need some "getting used to" before I feel comfortable with this whole breastfeeding thing!).

And some pictures for you from this past week!

Love those baby eyelashes!

I need a "mommy" shirt! He is still a sleepy baby but I could just watch him sleep all day long!

Mom's Pumpkin Pie Froyo while Emerson slept in the stroller at Yoasis across the street!

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