Thursday, October 3, 2013

Is it really only 1 month?!

Today is October 3. Due date is November 3. WHAT IS HAPPENING?!?

As I near the end of my first week of break, I realize that I really need to step up the preparations if we want to be fully prepared for this baby. (After I wrote that, I realized the idiocy of the statement "fully prepared"- like that is even remotely possible!)

This week I've taken care of some things around the house (some would call it "nesting"), shopped for outfits for maternity pictures (and bought a couple things for Blueberry), and made sure to stay active with two new forms of exercise- water aerobics and pre-natal yoga!

So, let me share my workout experiences with you for a little distraction (so I don't completely freak out that I only have a month left).

Water aerobics was a riot! Minus the totally bad 70's and 80's soundtrack of traditional "aerobics" hits ranging from Kool and the Gang to Whitney Houston, I actually felt like I was getting a great workout. We never stopped moving for the entire hour. The water was soothing and refreshing, and even though the class was held outside in the cooler night air, the water was warm and motivating since there was no gravity causing uncomfortable squishing of my internal organs while I jumped around. The bad part was that the old ladies, obvious class regulars, totally schooled me on some of the drills. For one, I could not do as many arm circles as they could with those silly foam dumbbells. Second, when everyone else seemed to be leisurely floating on their backs for ab work, I was struggling to get my feet and head above the water and not capsize! I was grateful that it was dark and no one could really tell how much I was struggling. At the end, I realized that even though I've been active and regularly working out, I did not get the chance to push myself, so I am not in the shape I believed I was in.

This only became more evident at my first pre-natal yoga class last night. I am not a huge yoga fan, because I like more high-paced workouts, but I know it is important for relaxation and for flexibility. I am kicking myself that I didn't go earlier in my pregnancy! It was GREAT for a support group! Everyone there except for 2 people were at 30 weeks or more. Thank heaven for extra padded mats, blankets, and blocks! Holding myself in Warrior 2, usually not a difficult feat for me, was a challenge. I guess trying to hold up nearly 30 extra pounds is a lot harder than I wanted to admit.

So, mission accomplished, stop working so hard and start checking things off my to-do list, and get active because I won't be busy with work.

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