Friday, July 5, 2013

The Cravings

Besides a really good beer, which many of you have already realized from my "beer sniffing" post, there are not a whole lot of foods that I have been craving yet in this pregnancy. My food aversions, on the other hand, were much stronger during my first trimester especially. (I couldn't stand the texture of a solid chunk of meat, or the smell of cooked green vegetables). At this point, I can pretty much eat whatever I want (except for the "banned" foods like raw fish) but there are still a few things that I ALWAYS want!

My top cravings:
1. Watermelon
2. Fruit that is juicy
3. Salad (with fruit preferably)
4. Fruit smoothies
5. Ice cream
6. Every once in a while a hamburger

I really haven't, as you can see, gone the way of the fried food or weird combination of foods that is stereotypical.

As I shared my #1 craving with others, I realized that I am not alone in the watermelon world. There is just something awesome about how cold and sweet a slice of watermelon is (in 110* weather) that makes it just so appealing (perhaps I should be drinking more water).

So give me my fruit!

My berry spinach smoothie creation

The results...

A peach smoothie with Greek yogurt!

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